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August 2024

BECOMING A TRUSTED ADVISOR: Strategic Stakeholder Engagement for HR in Law Firms

Presented by Cate Mullins, CEO & Founder - OWL Leadership & Advisory Services

In today’s fast-paced legal environment, the ability to strategically engage with partner stakeholders and establish yourself as a trusted advisor is crucial.

This workshop will provide you with a practical framework to navigate common challenges and typical requests from stakeholders in law firms. Through some real-world scenarios, you’ll learn step by step how to effectively engage, troubleshoot, support, and influence your partner stakeholders to achieve successful outcomes; all whilst elevating your brand as a trusted advisor.

Recording now available in the Members Portal

May 2024


Presented by Jessica Balcombe, Products and Services Innovation Lead, Mercer Workforce Solutions, Pacific

Over half of executives (54%) believe that their businesses will not survive beyond 2030 without embracing AI at scale and while companies are realising that harnessing generative AI poses great opportunities, the challenges are bigger than anticipated.

With organisations in every industry looking for ways to increase productivity, rising levels of employee burnout and a decline in trust show the potential human costs. Mercer’s Global Talent Trends study reveals that high-performing organisations are amplifying human progress by aligning their business and people plans in four key areas: human centric productivity, anchor to trust & equity, boost the corporate immune system and lead a digital first culture.

Recording now available in the Members Portal

April 2024

Prabha Nandagopal

Sally Mackie


Presented by Prabha Nandagopal, Founder, Elevate Consulting Partners and Sally Mackie, Head of Culture, Inclusion & People Risks, Allens

In late 2023 the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) announced changes to the legal framework of how sexual harassment and sex-based discrimination is dealt with in Australian workplaces, with organisations now required to meet positive duty requirements.

On 12 December 2023, changes to legislation came into effect meaning businesses and workplaces in Australia now have a positive duty obligation. This means they must actively prevent sex-based discrimination and sexual harassment from occurring at work, rather than reactively managing complaints.

Prabha Nandagopal will -

  • Provide an overview of the new positive duty regulatory framework
  • Discuss sexual harassment in Australian workplaces and the legal industry
  • Discuss drivers, risk factors and impacts of sexual harassment
  • Discuss practical actions you can take to start meeting your positive duty obligations.

Having "conducted a deep dive into the positive duty framework", Sally will provide a general overview of the process being undertaken at Allens when thinking about their positive duty obligations under the SDA.

Recording now available in the Members Portal

March 2024


Presented by Rhianna Perkin, Senior Consultant Psychologist

Neurodiverse individuals are estimated to make up 15-20% of the world’s population and refers to the neurological differences that shape how people think and interact.

In this talk, Rhianna Perkin from the Centre for Corporate Health discussed the proactive coaching program supporting neurodiverse employees at some of Australia’s top-tier law firms, big banks and professional services firms, and their managers to create awareness, reduce stigma and upskill all stakeholders to work to their full potential.

Specifically this talk covered:

  • How to support optimum performance for neurodiverse individuals
  • Increasing awareness across a team and in leadership groups on how to support neurodiversity in a practical way and to highlight the positive contribution of neurodiversity in workplaces
  • Addressing barriers that may be preventing a neurodiverse employee from becoming a high performing employee
  • What is neurodivergent burnout and how can it be prevented

Where organisations put appropriate supportive measures in place for all neurodiverse employees, these neurodiverse individuals prove to be comparable to neurotypical employees in work quality, efficiency, and productivity which is beneficial for all stakeholders involved.

Recording now available in the Members Portal

February 2024


Presented by Nick Ruskin

Nick Ruskin, Partner of K&L Gates, presented on the latest developments in employment law for HR professionals in the legal industry.

The presentation included information on the following topics:-

  1. Closing Loopholes Act-what has passed
  2. Closing Loopholes Bill-what is proposed
  3. Fixed Term contracts
  4. The Future of Work
    • the 4 day week
    • the right to disconnect
    • reasonable and unreasonable additional hours
    • the rise of psychosocial risks

Recording now available in the Members Portal



Presented by Marella Gibson 

Hard work and technical competence are not sufficient for career progression and success in today’s complex organisations and matrix teams.

To earn recognition and reward, and be seen as a trusted adviser, you need to inspire confidence in others by articulating and communicating your ideas with clarity and composure, demonstrate commitment to delivering outcomes, and leverage soft-power strategies when formal authority and power structures aren’t available.

This session covered a range of learnable skills to help you:

1.    'Show up’ and deliver with impact in physical and virtual settings - the ‘how'

2.    Curate your message for maximum impact - the ‘what'

3.    Anticipate and overcome common challenges - practical tips and Q&A




Presented by Penelope Cottrill, Executive Manager WGEA

Earlier this year, Parliament passed the Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Bill 2023. Together with the remade Legislative Instruments, which took effect on 6 February 2023, these legislative reforms are a significant step forward to help accelerate employer action to close the gender pay gap.

One of the major changes to come from these reforms is that in early 2024 – the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) will publish employer gender pay gaps.

WGEA’s Executive Manager – Research and Education, will guide you through:

  • The WGEA reforms
  • Preparing your organisation for the publication of employer gender pay gaps
  • Taking action

A recording of this session is available in the Members Portal.



Presented by Moya Dodd, Partner, Gilbert + Tobin Lawyers 

Former Matilda Moya Dodd will reflect on the success of the Women’s World Cup, which produced the most-watched television program in Australia (the Matildas v England semi-final) since records began.

The first step to success is believing that it is possible.

  • When did we start believing that women’s sport was worthy?
  • When did we stop discounting its value, and the value of its audience, because of the gender of those playing?

  • Can this same process help to address the stubborn gender pay gaps that persist in so many industry sectors?

  • And can a belief in the power of inclusion help to bring the Voice to reality in the upcoming referendum?



HOW DO I HAVE THIS CONVERSATION?  with Centre for Corporate Health

Presented by Debra Brodowski, National Manager, Psychological Services, Centre for Corporate Health 

As HR professionals (and generally, as kind and caring humans!), we care deeply about the wellbeing of our employees and are often called upon to provide initial support when someone is experiencing poor mental health.  But what do you do when a casual wellbeing check-in presents concerns about an employee’s safety, how do you assess the associated risks and determine how best to respond in a hybrid workplace?

In this interactive and in person seminar, Debra Brodowski from the Centre for Corporate Health will walk you through the mental health intervention framework and specific tips for ensuring you are providing appropriate support and asking the right questions to assess risk of self harm, plus strategies for looking after yourself during and after these high intensity conversations.  You will be provided an opportunity for a round table conversation with HR peers using the tools provided in the session and a case study to workshop how do I have this conversation?




Presented by Lizzy Cullen, Principal in the Reward practice of Mercer Workforce Solutions.

In this presentation Lizzy will examine and demystifying remuneration by:

  • The macro trends affecting remuneration in Australia; 
  • Tips and tricks to maximising remuneration survey data
  • a deeper dive into Total Rewards packages - what it really means and how it can help employees to thrive.    

Lizzy Cullen is a Principal in the Reward practice of Mercer’s Workforce Solutions business. In her 13 years at Mercer Lizzy has been involved in a range of different projects in both the reward and talent areas, across a range of industry sectors, in both the UK and Australia.

Lizzy has experience leading a variety of projects, including job architecture structure design, executive and broad-based compensation benchmarking, career framework design, strategic workforce planning, short and long-term incentive designs, job grading and pay banding reviews including comprehensive competitive and cost analysis.

Professional Background and EducationLizzy holds a Bachelor of Psychological Science (Hons) from The University of Queensland and an MSc in Occupational Psychology from Birkbeck University in London.


Were successfully held in both Sydney and Melbourne.  These events provided  an opportunity to catch up in a casual setting for the end of financial year. 


Online Only

INFLUENCING WITHOUT AUTHORITY - Shaun Kenny, People of Influence
What do you do when you need to influence a stakeholder and you have no authority over them?

What else can you use to ensure they listen, understand and are persuaded by your message?

So many professionals need to influence without authority but don’t know how to propose ideas persuasively while avoiding getting push back. This session gives you a framework and structure to do just that. One that you can use in conversations, presentations or written communication, both long and short.

When you understand what this framework is and why it works, you will also understand what to do when you hit unexpected roadblocks in conversations where you are attempting to influence, because you will know how to diagnose where you went wrong.

The overall outcome of this session is that you are furnished with powerful principles and a practical technique so that you can have more effective interactions that are more persuasive and get you better results.

Key Outcomes - We discover:
  • The fundamental principle underpinning all influencing interactions.
  • Why we get push back, resistance and objections and how to avoid them.
  • A simple yet comprehensive structure for any type of influencing ‘pitch’ communication.
  • An understanding of how to apply this in your context, with practice.
  • Finally, how to specifically position your message and yourself to senior stakeholders.

MARCH - Melbourne 


Sydney & Online 


Nick Ruskin, Partner of K&L Gates, presents on the latest developments in employment law for HR professionals in the legal industry. Current topics include:

-Flexible work rights, obligations and disputes

-Sexual harassment in the Fair Work Commission 

-Fixed Term contracts 

-Can law firms be caught up in enterprise bargaining?


BREAK THE SCRIPT - The Unforgettable Agency Break the script. Harness the power of marketing thinking to win the war for talent, engage employees and boost the bottom line.

A fresh perspective on the role of recruitment in business performance and the truth about why the traditional approach isn’t working anymore (hint it’s not about needing more tech).  

We’ll cover -
● Recruitment Reframed - the true power of the recruitment process
● The Human Operating System™ - what it is and why it matters
● The Seeking System - what it does and why it’s so powerful
● Jobs Worth Applying For - what they are and why you need them
● The 5 Biggest TA Mistakes and what to do to avoid them

You’ll walk away having seen something you can’t unsee that will change the way you do things and leave you feeling inspired about the positive impact you can make on your business and your employees in 2023 and beyond.


Do we really need to have this conversation?

Facilitated by Mark Enright in Melbourne and Nick Grant in Sydney.

Please join HRMinds for this interactive discussion with your peers in a face to face environment.

In this event, you will have the opportunity to develop your skills and confidence when it comes to having difficult conversations.

Attendees will be broken up into groups and will be presented with two (2) hypothetical scenarios that involves providing advice on a potentially difficult discussion.  Participants consider and discuss multiple scenarios and develop recommendations to share with the group.  A wrap up discussion including some general tips for having difficult conversations will conclude the session. 

This session was held in person and not recorded.


VICARIOUS TRAUMA - a silent hazard, and it's on the rise.

Presented by Heizy Serrels, Centre for Corporate Health 

Traditionally risk reserved for industries like emergency services, the pandemic has seen it spill over into many different sectors, with employees being constantly exposed to other people’s stress, anxiety, grief, loss, and trauma. In this seminar, the Centre for Corporate Health, provide insights into where they are seeing vicarious trauma impacting law firms and provide case studies on how organisations have adapted the Centre for Corporate Health’s Vicarious Trauma Framework (Prevention, Intervention and Recovery) to address the specific risks present within their teams.

Drawing on findings from whitepaper on vicarious trauma in the workplace, walk away from this talk having learned:·         

  • How to identify if vicarious trauma is a risk within your firm·         
  • How to adapt a best-practice prevention and early intervention framework to address vicarious trauma·         
  • How organisations have implemented systems to provide real-time alerts for employees who are at high risk of vicarious trauma.

Recording now available in the Members Portal


WINNING:  Building high performance teams 

Presented by Moya Dodd, Gilbert + Tobin Lawyers

Moya Dodd is a lawyer and a former international footballer who speaks regularly on issues of equality, diversity, inclusion and integrity, sharing her extensive experience in sport both on and off the field.

She is a Partner at Gilbert+Tobin Lawyers, and a former vice-captain of the Australian women's football team, the Matildas. She was one of the first few women on FIFA's Executive Committee (2013-2016), while serving on the Asian Football Confederation's Executive Committee (2007-2019). She also spent ten years on the board of Football Federation Australia (2007 – 2017), and served on its successful Bid Committee to host the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup.

Moya is co-host of The Competitive Edge, a Gilbert + Tobin podcast about competition law.

Recording now available in the Members Portal


Cultural Renewal in a Hybrid World

Presented by Keeva Stratton, Bendelta

The world has changed rapidly during the past two years and understanding how to ensure your culture is thriving in a world where we are more physically separated and autonomous than ever before is a challenge many businesses face.

Some of these challenges include, how to build a culture that’s lasting and resilient to change when many people are now working in hybrid environments, how to foster staff development and career progression, when in-person interaction is limited, and how to sense-check the wellbeing of staff and the performance of individuals and teams in a world where the opportunity to observe is limited.

Bendelta’s research on culture and the hybrid workforce indicates a shift in mindset and practice is needed to ensure workplace culture can thrive in a world transformed by technology and a post-covidian social consciousness.

This seminar will introduce the insights from Bendelta’s work, provide practical steps to set and support a thriving culture, as well as the opportunity to ask questions relevant to any specific concerns.

Recording now available in the Members Portal


Workforce Analytics for HR - using data to improve business outcomes

Presented by Lang Ip, Mercer

Today we will explore how data can help inform common business and workforce decisions. Through example business cases we’ll explore different types of data, how to utilise the data to ‘tell the story’.

Recording now available in the Members Portal

26 & 27
APRIL 2022

AUSTRALIAN LEGAL MARKET TRENDS AND PREDICTIONS - Strategic Implications for People and Culture Managers 

Presented by Joel Barolsky
Barolsky Advisor

In this presentation Joel will address current trends across the Australian legal industry under five headings: clients, people, practice, technology and firms. He will share research evidence and case studies and put forward a series of predictions as to where the market is headed over the next three to five years.

The second part of his presentation will be a deep dive into the strategic implications of these trends for People and Culture Managers. He will put forward suggestions on how HR functions can potentially contribute more to firm competitiveness. 

Recording now available in the Members Portal

MARCH 2022

Employment Law Update  

Presented by Nick Ruskin, Partner
K&L Gates Global Labour, Employment and Workplace Safety Partner 

Join Nick for this in-person session where he will take us through the latest developments in employment law for HR professionals in the legal industry.  

Topics of relevance will include return to work/right to work from home, the expanded engagement of contractors in light of two recent High Court decisions, Personnel Contracting and Jamsek and the Legal Services Award 2020.

Recording now available in the Members Portal


Counting Culture 

Presented by Dr Jane O'Leary
Research Director, Diversity Council of Australia

In this session Jane will discuss the results of the new report Counting Culture: Towards a Standardised approach to measuring and reporting on workforce cultural diversity in Australia.  

This will guide businesses through how to best count cultural background, language religion, and global experience for maximum organisational benefit.

Recording now available in the Members Portal


Do I really need to have this conversation? 

Facilitated by Mark Enright, K&L Gates 

In this event, you will have the opportunity to develop your skills and confidence when it comes to having difficult conversations.Attendees will be broken up into Zoom Rooms and each room will be presented with a hypothetical scenario that involves providing advice on a potentially difficult discussion. 

Group Task - A partner or manager is asking you for advice on this scenario, what are the key things to consider and how would you approach this conversation in the most productive way? 

Participants consider and discuss multiple scenarios and develop recommendations to share with the group.

A wrap up discussion including some general tips for having difficult conversations will conclude the session.  Registration now open for this interactive ZOOM presentation.

Recording now available in the Members Portal.


Prepping for Success - Succession Pipelining 

Maria Leske - Talent & Capability Practice Leader | Career - MERCER

Having the right leaders in place has a significant impact on a business and its ability to achieve commercial success. So what happens if one of your leaders decides to leave? Is your business prepped for success, or will you find yourself exposed?

During the presentation Maria Leske discussed the work that Mercer do with their clients to help them protect critical roles across their organisation through building Succession Pipelines.  Specifically you will learn about how companies go about:

1.     establishing pools of internal successors through assessing the bench strength and succession readiness of internal talent

2.     establishing pools of high-potential external successors aligned to organisational roles; and

3.     how  they provide detailed internal succession plans for each critical or pivotal role.

Recording now available in the Members Portal.



Leading Wellbeing in 2021

Rachel Clements - Centre for Corporate Health

As the world remains uncertain and ambiguous following the pandemic and poor mental health in 2020, unique stressors have rippled out from a world in crisis.  In this interactive session we will cover:

• What wellbeing trends did we see emerge in 2020 ?
• What is the data telling us about psychosocial risk factors in 2021?
• Best practice prevention and early intervention for emerging psychosocial risks

Recording are now available in the Member Portal

MAR 2021

Employment Law Update

Nick Ruskin, Partner
K&L Gates Global Labour, Employment and Workplace Safety

This presentation will cover the latest developments in Employment Law for the legal HR Professional current topics including:  
  • Casual staff 
  • The Omnibus Bill 
  • Award compliance issues   

Recording are now available in the Member Portal


10 Key coaching principles for law firms - a professional coach's perspective

Chris Corneil
eci partners 

Zoom recording are now available in the Member Portal


Post-COVID Working: What becomes of the office?

David Young, Partner
BDO People Advisory 

PowerPoint slides and Zoom recording are now available in the Member Portal


Workplace Investigations 

Jason Clark, Director

PowerPoint slides and Zoom recording are now available in the Member Portal


Navigating an unexpected crisis

Lesley Woods, Global Senior Business Continuity Manager &
Neil Donovan, HR Manager
Herbert Smith Freehills

Zoom recording is now available in the Member Portal


How your workplace should be addressing psychosocial risks through uncertainty

Rachel Clements, B.Sc (Hon), M. Psych (Org)
Co-Founder and Director of Psychological Services and Principal Organisational Psychologist at the Centre for Corporate Health Pty Ltd and Resilia Pty Ltd.

Debra Brodowski, B.A (Hons), M Pysch (Org), MAPS
National Manager Psychological Services, Centre for Corporate Health

Zoom recording is now available in the Member Portal


Employment Law Update

Nick Ruskin, Partner
K&L Gates Global Labour, Employment and Workplace Safety

Audio recording is now available in the Member Portal


Pride in Diversity 

Nicki Elkin, Senior Relationship Manager
Pride in Diversity

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